IDA Session Records

井田 昌之の日々の記録。自己紹介等。

Archive for 1月 31st, 2017

Google Neural Machine Translationはグローバルな研究の成果だ

Google のGNMTの翻訳は大きく進化している。これについて私も実感したので、翻訳を自分でテストして、以前のものとの対照などを12月の講義の教材に組み込んだ。一つの大きな深層学習の成果だといえよう。

MIT CSAILでの2017年1月25日のセミナーの発表者として立った、このGoogleのチームの人の講師紹介をそこから引用し、紹介したい。特に日本との関係に注目したい。


Dr. XXX graduated in Electric Engineering from the Gerhard-Mercator University in Duisburg, Germany in 1993. After receiving a scholarship spent a year in Japan to study Japanese in Kyoto and Fiber Optics in the Kikuchi laboratory at Tokyo University. His professional career in machine and speech brought him to Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratories in Kyoto, Nuance in the US and NTT in Japan where he worked machine learning and speech recognition research and development after getting his PhD at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. Dr. joined the Google speech group in the beginning of 2006, seeing speech products being developed from scratch to toy demos to serving millions many languages over the next eight years, and most notably he was the main developer of the original Japanese and Korean speech recognition He is now part of the Google Brain group which focuses on building large-scale neural network and machine learning infrastructure for Google working on infrastructure with the TensorFlow toolkit as well as on research, mostly in the field of speech and translation with various types of neural networks. In 2016 he led the development of the new Google Neural Machine Translation system, which reduced translation errors by more 60% compared to the previous system.


Dr.XXXは、1993年ドイツで電気工学で学士。奨学金を得て、光ファイバと日本語のために来日、東京大学に学ぶ。次いで、ATRに勤務。奈良先端大で博士号。2006年にGoogleへ。その後8年を経て、日本語および韓国語の音声認識に従事。Google Brain グループに入る、。。。2016年にGNMTへ。





Written by masa-ida

1月 31st, 2017 at 9:33 am

Posted in グローバルIT